Friday 12 May 2017

Many a times the whole essence of you being you is so doubtable ....

The tendency to look yourself through others eyes takes center stage ..

The head is filled with doubts .. He is judging me.. M I abnormal , Do people like me exist .

The whole motive of existence I was told is to create your identity , carve your own niche ..

Then where did this being judged and being cast in the image as seen by the world came into being ..

Yea I m a misfit to some . But I m perfect role model for myself .. aren't role models what u always wanted to be like .

yes I don't go by the book .. but was it wasn't written by me so why even think of following it . I will write my own story .n if it is my story ..It better be mine and the way I see it ..

I wasnt supposed to be normal. Happiness lies in finding your true sense rather than losing yourself to others .. I might have lost in the world's eyes but then I found my true self. So who is the final winner ..????